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Apr 17, 2007


WE’RE ROLLIN, THEY’RE HATIN’ April 20 – May 20, 2007 We’re Rollin’ They’re Hatin’ is a large-scale contemporary art show that examines the role of Dungeons and Dragons, Escapism and Fantasy in contemporary art and culture. The exhibition is an art show and interactive platform to explore how artists are influenced by fantasy and roll playing games. Over 40 artists will create work for the show and dozens more will perform. The show includes several elements and project rooms that will create an unforgettable, hopefully magical, experience for visitors and attendees. artists include: paper rad maya hayuk andrew jeffrey wright christine tarkowski dungeon majesty french seripop the little friends of printmaking noah butkus brian ulrich e*rock justin b williams chris uphues steven harrington justin krietemeyer dan grzeca kevin hooyman cody hudson tom long melina ausikaitis craig dransfield rob doran jessie rose vala daniel st george alvaro ilizarbe ervin logan bay rachael olson nicole lucaroni mike slattery armin mangold jesse reklaw jeffrey brown françois vigneault grant reynolds k. thor jensen liz prince johano wawro jackie kilmer drew zigler randall cristopher bailey todd bailey nathaniel murphy natasha newman thomas opening ceremonies friday april 20: performances by paper rad e*rock dungeon majesty warhammer 48k copy dj logan bay dj ben fasman video program by jacob ciocci opens at 6pm ($10 donation after 8pm) saturday april 21: performances by mayor daley cave juiceboxxx panther soft serve dj lord drol video program by e*rock opens at 6pm ($10 donation after 8pm) sunday april 22: darkon the movie screening 8pm - free gallery hours: fri & sat 1-7 Co-Prosperity Sphere 3219 S. Morgan (Bridgeport) Chicago www.rollinhatin.blogspot.com for updates supported by: Wizards of the Coast Threadless curated and organized by: Logan Bay, Edmar, Cody Hudson & Rachael Olson


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