Upper Playground and FIFTY24SF Gallery are looking for a little
audience participation for the April 5th exhibition of work by
world-renowned photographers Estevan Oriol and Yasumasa "Yone"
Yonehara. On April 3rd, 4th and 5th, these two talents will
photograph Bay Area women of Latin or Asian background, with beautiful
looks and an uninhibited nature with the intent of being shown
alongside other previously shot models for the FIFTY24SF Gallery
exhibition. With model hopefuls from across the globe waiting for a
chance to be photographed by these acclaimed artists, this is an offer
that should not be passed up.
Modeling experience is preferred, but not required for this unpaid
opportunity. If interested, please send images via email to
yone_estevan@yahoo.com, or provide a link to a site with accessible
personal images. All submissions must be received by Sunday, April 1,
2007 by 5p.m. for consideration.
To view their work visit www.estevanoriol.com and www.loveyone.com, or
check www.amazon.com to view their published work.
Hmmm.... It seems like all of your blogs are by male artists. I appreciate their work, yet I feel a bit of a void. Upper Playground is an underground tastemaker, with the ability to influence mad people on a grassroots level. "Less that 5% of the art in museums is by females, but 85% of the nudes are females." What are you capable of coming up with?
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